The Works application is a Web-based, user-friendly electronic card payment management service that automates, streamlines, and integrates existing payment authorization and reconciliation processes while providing management reporting and spending controls.
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Faculty, Researchers, Staff – Employees on the University payroll have access to Employee Self-service functions; managers and supervisors with direct reports have access to Manager Self-service functions.
All student employees whose position requires employee-level access to the University’s Financial and Purchasing systems will require access to SAP in order to perform their job responsibilities. To provide system access for student employees, please
BUworks provides a set of SAP applications designed to integrate the University’s human capital management processes, including personnel administration, benefits administration, time management, and payroll.
with an adaptive, simple, coherent and delightful user interface, that works seamlessly on a desktop browser, smartphones and tablets. MyBUworks is an alternative way to access select applications available on
BUworks recognizes the convenience that accessing online information via a phone or tablet provides to staff, faculty, and student employees. We also recognize that your experience while accessing your information on-line, on your device of choice matters.